Nuit 6/9 - C'est encore l'hiver là-bas
Tout doit disparaître dans les nuages de soleil et la canicule est arrivée en Papouasie nord-est.
Aujourd'hui, balade dans la vallée de Conches. La neige est encore abondante dans le Goms. Soleil resplendissant, lunettes de soleil obligatoires ...
... et un égoportrait pour masque et lunettes de soleil à la gare de Münster !
Andrey Gugnin joue la Symphonie no6 de Beethoven
Un arrangement de F. Liszt. En direct de la Maison internationale de la musique à Moscou (24.03.13)
0:00] Mvt. I ("Awakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countryside," - F Major)
[12:58] Mvt. II ("Scene by the brook," - B-flat major)
[27:56] Mvt. III ("Merry gathering of country folk," - F Major)
[33:19] Mvt. IV ("Thunder, Storm," - F minor)
[37:25] Mvt. V ("The Shepherd's song: Cheerful and thankful feelings after the storm," - F major)
Sixième Symphonie de Beethoven, 5e mvt - Musiciens de la Symphonie de Nashville
Mai 2020
“Shepherd’s singing: Joyful and thankful feelings after the storm.”
—Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 6, “Pastoral,” finale
In mid-March, the Musicians of the Nashville Symphony were busy preparing to perform Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony when we learned that many of our future concerts would be cancelled due to the pandemic. Nashville and Middle Tennessee had recently suffered a devastating tornado, and later experienced widespread damage and extended power outages from strong thunderstorms.
In quick succession, our community has faced a series of challenges unlike anything before. Nevertheless, the final movement of this symphony gives us all hope.
We look forward to sharing music in person once we reemerge
Beethoven, Symphonie No.6, Toscanini. 1938
Enregistrement, 8 janvier 1938